How To Generate More Views As A New YouTuber

Are you looking to grow your YouTube channel and reach more people with your content?

If so, you're in the right place!

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore proven strategies to quickly boost your views on YouTube and increase the visibility of your videos.

YouTube views are important, for the success of your channel.

The more views your videos get, the more people you can connect with, and the faster your channel can grow.

But getting more views isn't always easy.

That's where this guide comes in.

We'll walk you through step-by-step techniques that you can implement to attract more viewers and increase your video's visibility on the platform.

Whether you're just starting on YouTube or you've been creating content for a while, this guide can help you to increase your views naturally. 

So, if you're ready to reach a wider audience, let's dive in and explore the strategies that will help you achieve your goals.

So, if you're ready to reach a wider audience, let's dive in and explore the strategies that will help you achieve your goals.

Create Eye-Catching Thumbnails For Your Videos

One of the first things viewers notice when scrolling through YouTube is the thumbnail of a video.

If you don't know how to make an eye-catching Thumbnail for your video that grabs the viewer's attention and increases your video views? You can hire this service on Fiverr. They're skilled at making the best Clickable YouTube thumbnail in any niche.

It's like the cover of a book – it needs to be attractive and compelling to grab people's attention.

In this section, we'll discuss how to optimize your video thumbnails to make them stand out and increase Your CTR.

The key to making clickable thumbnails is to use eye-catching colors and images.

YouTube's interface is primarily red, black, and white, so using colors like blue, orange, green, and yellow can help your thumbnails stand out among the sea of other videos. Like below example

When designing your thumbnails, consider incorporating these non-YouTube colors prominently to catch viewers' attention.

For example, if your channel has a specific branding color, you can use it as the dominant color in your thumbnails to create a cohesive look across your videos. Like the below example

Additionally, avoid cluttering your thumbnails with too much text or images.

Keep them clean and focused on the main subject of your video. 

Use bold, easy-to-read fonts for any text you include, and confirm that the text is relevant to the content of the video.

Remember, your thumbnail is the first impression viewers have of your video, so make it the right way using the above technique and following best practices for design.

You can increase the chance that viewers will click on your videos and watch them.

Next, let's explore how to create compelling video descriptions to enhance your video's visibility and engagement on YouTube.


Optimize Your Video Metadata

Arranging metadata with popular videos in the same niche is necessary for better search results on YouTube.

Metadata like video titles, descriptions, and tags help YouTube's algorithm understand the content.

Optimizing metadata increases the chance of the video showing in search results and is recommended to viewers interested in similar content.

This alignment boosts video visibility, attracts more viewers, and increases engagement and watch time.

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How to Optimize Your Video Titles, Descriptions, and Tags

Optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags involves several key factors. 

First, you should organize compelling and descriptive titles that accurately represent the content of the video while including relevant keywords.

Titles should be straightforward and engaging to capture the audience's attention and encourage them to click on the video. Like below 

Next, optimizing video descriptions involves giving detailed information about the video's content, including a summary of what viewers can expect to learn or gain from watching the video.

It's essential to include relevant keywords naturally throughout the description to improve searchability and help YouTube's algorithm understand the video's topic.

Finally, optimizing video tags involves choosing keywords and phrases that are relevant to the video's content and align with popular search terms in the niche.

You should include a mix of primary keywords, variations, and broader category tags to cover different aspects of the video's topic.

This comprehensive approach to tagging helps improve the video's visibility in search results and increases its chances of being recommended to viewers.

Research Keywords and Use Them Naturally

Keyword research is very important for videos to appear in relevant search results on YouTube.

It helps you understand what terms and topics your target audience is searching for, letting you optimize your video metadata accordingly.

Are you looking to start a successful YouTube channel? hire this service on Fiverr. You’ll get everything you need to get started, including channel setup, optimization, channel creation, SEO keyword planning, channel description, and so on. They're good at creating a successful YouTube channel in any niche.

Here are some tips for effective keyword research and usage:

Use YouTube search bar: Start by typing keywords related to your video topic into YouTube's search bar.

Note down the suggested search terms that appear on search as these indicate popular queries people are searching. Like below

Explore keyword research tools: Tools like Google Keyword Planner or third-party keyword research tools like vidIQ, and TubeBuddy can provide valuable insights into the search volume and competition level for different keywords within your niche.

Target moderately competitive keywords: Aim for keywords that have a decent number of searches but not too much competition.

These will increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Below is an example of a high-search and low-competition keyword generated from the free keyword research tool TubeBuddy!

When incorporating keywords into your video metadata, keep the following points in mind:

Purpose: Make sure that the keywords you use accurately reflect the content of your video.

Irrelevant keywords can confuse viewers and negatively impact your search rankings.

Use keywords naturally: Integrate keywords into your video title, description, and tags naturally and seamlessly.

Avoid stuffing too many keywords or unnaturally using them, as this can be seen as spammy behavior by YouTube's algorithms.

Audience intent: Consider what terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching for content related to your video topic.

By performing thorough keyword research and using relevant keywords effectively in your video metadata, you can increase your visibility in search results and attract more viewers who are genuinely interested in your content.

Are you looking to start a successful YouTube channel? hire this service on Fiverr. You’ll get everything you need to get started, including channel setup, optimization, channel creation, SEO keyword planning, channel description, and so on. They're good at creating a successful YouTube channel in any niche.

Get More Views from Suggested Videos

Do you notice how some videos magically appear after you watch something else on YouTube? Those videos are coming from suggested videos, and getting your video there is a great way to achieve more views!

Here are simple steps to follow:

Choosing the Right tags: Imagine tags like labels on a library shelf. When someone searches for a book, the librarian (YouTube's algorithm) uses these labels to find the right ones. 

So, to get suggested next to popular videos in your niche, use similar tags as those popular videos.

Secret strategy - How to generate full-time income from part-time work every month with YouTube shorts and affiliate marketing; Click here for the secret shorts affiliate strategy.

You're using the same language viewers are already searching for.

Study YouTube algorithm: Understand how YouTube's algorithm works and what factors it considers when recommending videos.

This knowledge can help you optimize your content and channel to appear more frequently in suggested video recommendations.

Engaging with Your Viewers: A video with tons of comments and likes gets more views on YouTube!

It tells their system that viewers love this video and it might be worth recommending to others.

So, by asking your viewers to like, comment, and share your video, replying to their comments, and generally making them feel like part of a community.

The more people engage, the better your chances of getting the suggested spot.

Find out what people want to see: YouTube wants to recommend videos people will actually enjoy watching.

So, the next step is to understand what your audience likes.

Think about trending topics and keywords related to your niche.

Are people curious about banana bread this week?

Make a video about them.

By creating content around popular searches you increase your chances of getting recommended for those searches.


If you don't know how to make an eye-catching Thumbnail for your video that grabs the viewer's attention and increases your video views? You can hire this service on Fiverr. They're skilled at making the best Clickable YouTube thumbnail in any niche.

Consistency is key: Consistently create high-quality content that aligns with your niche.

This will help YouTube recognize your channel as a reliable source for recommendations in your topic area.

By following these tips and continuously optimizing your videos for suggested video recommendations, you can increase your reach and attract more viewers who are genuinely interested in your content.

Sharing Videos On Online Community

Online communities like Quora and Reddit are giant forums for people with similar interests.

Here's how to use them to increase your views:

Pretend these online forums have different rooms for different hobbies. Search for forums or subreddits that match your video topic.

Don't just barge in and shout, "Hey, watch my video!" Instead, be helpful! See if anyone has questions about your video answers.

Then, share the video as part of your answer, like showing off a trick to help someone learn.

Don't just post your video everywhere. Join the conversations, answer questions thoughtfully, and be a nice person.

People will trust you more and be curious about your video.

Nobody likes a spammer, so focus on being helpful and adding to the conversation, not just promoting yourself.

Sharing Videos On Social Media Platforms

Sharing on social media is like giving your video an extra boost, here's how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms to blast your video.

Each social media app is different like Twitter a short, funny clip might work best on Twitter.

But a more formal app like LinkedIn, a professional trailer for your video might be a better fit.

Make different cuts of your video to fit each app.

No one wants to watch a long video on this social media app. Grab attention with a quick teaser or highlight reel.

Write a catchy caption to explain what your video is about.

Use emojis and questions to make people curious and want to click "play" on your video.

Are you looking to start a successful YouTube channel? hire this service on Fiverr. You’ll get everything you need to get started, including channel setup, optimization, channel creation, SEO keyword planning, channel description, and so on. They're good at creating a successful YouTube channel in any niche.

Don't forget to use relevant hashtags to get more people to see it.

Tell people what you want them to do after watching your short clip.

Ask them to watch the full video on YouTube, subscribe to your channel, or leave a comment.

Testing Upload Times

Testing different upload times is essential to find the best schedule for posting your videos, by experimenting with various times, you can determine when your audience is most active and engage with your video.

Tools like VidIQ can help you analyze your channel data and identify peak viewing times.

These tools deliver insights into your audience's behavior, showing you when they are most active on YouTube.

By leveraging this data, you can schedule your uploads to coincide with times when your audience is online.

When your videos are published during peak hours, they are more likely to appear in users' feeds and recommendations, increasing the views, likes, and comments.

These can help your videos gain exposure quickly, as they are more likely to be seen by a larger audience shortly after being published.

Experimenting with upload times and using analytics tools to track audience behavior can help you refine your posting schedule and optimize the performance of your videos on YouTube.

Secret strategy - How to generate full-time income from part-time work every month with YouTube shorts and affiliate marketing; Click here for the secret shorts affiliate strategy.


Here's a summary of the key strategies we covered to help you boost your YouTube views rapidly:

Consecutive Content Technique:

Create two high-quality, longer videos on a popular topic in your niche.
Link the videos together to encourage viewers to watch both consecutively.
Aim to reach the quality and length of existing top videos on the same subject.

Optimize Video Metadata:

Use relevant keywords naturally in titles, descriptions, and tags.
Avoid keyword stuffing or misleading metadata.

Research popular search terms and trending topics in your niche.

Engage with Online Communities:

Participate in forums, social media groups, and comment sections related to your video.
Provide value, share your expertise, and promote your videos tactfully.
Build relationships with your audience and fellow creators.

Promote on Social Media:

Share your videos on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Collaborate with influencers or other creators for cross-promotion.
Leverage social media ads and paid promotion for increased reach.

Experiment with Upload Times:

Analyze when your audience is most active and likely to watch videos. Try different upload times and track the performance of your videos. Adjust your schedule based on the data to increase visibility and engagement.

Remember, consistency and continuous improvement are keys.

Regularly produce high-quality content, experiment with different strategies, and learn from your results.

Stay dedicated and persistent, and you'll be well on your way to increasing your YouTube views and establishing a strong presence on the platform. 

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