About Me

Hello there! My name is Olivia, but you can call me Zenny. 

I'm the face behind this blog and I want to thank you for visiting my website.

I'm excited to share a little more about myself and why I started this blog and online business.

After completing my business management degree, I spent about five years working in SEO agencies. 

Throughout my career, I have always worked for clients and employers, but I have never worked for myself.

I was trying to find ways to earn extra income online while also developing new skills beyond my degree. 

I went through numerous articles and tutorials on how to start a blog but whoever claimed that "blogging isn't a real job" was mistaken. 

I was surprised at how difficult blogging could be. The more I pursued advice, the more confused I became. 

To help other bloggers succeed, I decided to share my digital marketing experience and insights on this blog.

Looking to improve your financial situation? This blog offers achievable tips for saving and earning more money. 

My goal is to help you build a healthy relationship with your finances without pinching pennies or working around the clock to earn money.

As I continue to learn about blogging and making money online, I will share what I learn to make blogging easier.

- Olivia Irene

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